Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Getting Help Myself So I Can Help Others

It doesn't take long to look around and see the need for help...the economy, loss of jobs, bankruptcies, tornadoes, results of wars, foreclosures, and recently the devastation in Haiti. We also see how resourceful people become during these times and many lend a helping hand to others. The need for reciprocal relationships is huge especially now and especially in a local face-to-face community. But what if I can't trust others? If I am surrounded by takers and few givers? How much should I give? Do I give my last dollar or the shirt off my back in order to help others? When do I ask for help? Who can I trust? Many questions come to mind as we face uncertainty.

When it comes to counseling, many times we use the analogy of the flight attendant giving instructions just before take off. The attendant explains the exits, seat belts, laboratories, and then about the oxygen masks in case of low cabin pressure. They show us how to put them on and if we have small children to put our mask on first, then the child's mask. Why? I want my child to breathe and survive, right? A natural parental instinct. But in times of crisis I need to be stable and breathing well so I can in turn help my scared, frantic child. As I am calm, gain a sense of direction, am assured, the more I can be of help for others. When you feel and are more confident, you will be more ready and able to see clearly enough to assist and bless others.

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