Monday, October 26, 2009

Patience in the Healing Process

In our crazed and hectic society where information and feedback are instantaneous, somehow certain changes can be slow and frustrating. When it comes to our mental health, patience is the last thing we want especially when we are in emotional, mental or relational pain. We want answers and we want them now. But that ol' phrase that is like fingernails down the chalkboard, "It didn't take ya overnight to get in this mess, and it won't take ya overnight to get out of it" seems to ring out. Why? Because there are certain things in life that take time.

For example, if you have had a broken bone, you've probably anticipated a few weeks for it to heal. If you've planted some flowers, fruits or vegetables, you have expected a few weeks more for them to grow and then be ready to enjoy. However, when life takes an unexpected turn, how do we figure getting all the pieces back together or the length of time to get back to how things were if in fact they ever do?

This is where seeking assistance (whether human, divine or both), seeking social support, with courage and patience in the restorative process are key in overcoming these things. Your well being is of great value and taking the time to restore your relational, mental and emotional health matter. Time? Sacrifice? Yes, but you are well worth it! Think about the broken bone or the seeds you plant. If you did nothing, what would the results be? Your body in general has healing capabilities, rain falls to the ground to water the plants, but with proper care, healthy attention with endurance and strength, healing and growth can transpire.

Take the time for matter!

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