Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Time To Face It

You have stalled long enough...put it off until something else could be put in its place. Now, it is all that is left...it's facing you. What is it? What is this perplexing annoyance? What is the one thing that keeps popping up in your life that you avoid? Push away? Despise? Pretend it does not exist? Deny?

Take the time to...
  1. Gather your resources
  2. Look beyond yourself to trusted friend/s, family, mentor/s, spiritual leader/s, God
  3. Seek counsel
  4. Find strength in others who have faced "it"
  5. Define your "it" in order to gain a clear vision of what must be done
  6. Devise a plan of action toward your desired outcome
  7. Take the first step
  8. Don't give up...stay strong with the strength of momentum, your resources, the strength of others
  9. Realize others can and many times do find strength in your willingness to face your "it"
  10. Smile as you share your struggles, hurts, and victories along the way
  11. Review your progress, your plan, those who you have helped
  12. Be an encouragement, an inspiration to others who are needing to face their "it"

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