Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Need a Pick-Me-Up?

Do we all get down from time to time? Yes, most people experience some form of let down or sadness in their lives. When we lose a loved one, a change in our job responsibilities, or loss of a job, various forms of disturbing news, a decision gone bad, even when we come to the end of a hard fought and obtained goal we may notice an energy shift.
However, when we find ourselves in a "slump", just dragging along, we could use a lift to get us back up again. From a perspective of feeling happy, here are some things you could do to help improve your mood.

Sometimes when we need a pick-me-up, picking someone else up along the way can truly pick us up as well!


Monday, May 21, 2007

Helping Kids Cope

Kids encounter many stressors today and being aware of the stressors and ways to cope with them can really help children through them. Here's some ways to help a child cope with stress.

Being there, and listening to a child is a big start. What are some ways you can "be there" as a support?


Thursday, May 17, 2007

Journal Thursday

Choose a flower, any flower...from the ground, from a picture...anywhere. Stare at it for a moment. What do you see? What is unique about it? What about its environment? How does it complement its environment? Write these things down.

Now, go to a mirror. Look into it for a moment. What do you see? What is unique about you? What is your life's environment like? How do you complement your environment? Write these things down.

Finish by journaling your experiences.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Creative Time Together

Many couples today are finding it harder and harder to share time together and especially making the time to talk through life's issues. Some couples are are using their time in the car to talk while others use text messaging, "sticky" notes, and other elusive forms of communicating. We may find it hard to communicate with one another when we have various distractions and other "committments" that interfer with our connection with our partner.

What general and creative ways do you find that are effective in communicating with your partner? If you find it difficult to connect or frustrating when you do, it may lead to hurt, anger, fear, and aloneness. A "tune-up" in counseling may be helpful in renewing that spark, the fun of being "with", and getting the value of "WE" back in the relationship!


Friday, May 11, 2007

Divorce Down?

There's an article that points out a trend in divorce rates--saying it's down...the lowest since the 70's. Different reasons are identified. How is it for you? Whether you are married, or partnering with someone, are you happy? Is the relationship on the rocks? Do you want to improve yourself as a couple or is it over? Maybe getting some help for the both of you would be beneficial or maybe just sorting some things out on your own may be good for you.

Consider the value of your relationship and yourself. Are you (as a couple or yourself) worth it?


Thursday, May 10, 2007

Jounral Thursday

For today's journal entry, draw a circle about the size of a CD...then draw another circle the size of the base of a disposable water bottle inside the CD circle. In the smaller circle, write what things that matter most in your life. Now, in ther larger circle, write all the activities that you do that distract you from those things that matter most in your life.

Now, take a black marker, pencil, or lipstick or white correction fluid and mark out the outer circle (with its contents) while keeing the inner circle intact.

Journal ways you can keep your inner circle intact.


Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Get Ready for the Interview

Knowing the job you want, having the knowledge to do the work are very vital, but so is being ready for the interview and presenting yourself well. Her are some things to keep in mind when you go into the interview.

Happy interviewing!


Thursday, May 3, 2007

Journal Thursday

Have you ever been assessed at work? The yearly evaluations? Have you ever given one?
Well, today's journal entry is for you to write a descriptive narrative about someone close to you as if you were going to describe the person to someone who doesn't know him/her. Describe the person's character traits, ability in interacting with you and others, and his/her citizenship and/or leadership qualities.
When done, would you share your narrative with the one you wrote about? If so, then do so. It just may make his/her day.

Happy journaling!
