Thursday, August 30, 2007

Journal Thursday

If you were to be given a gift, any gift you wanted, what would it be?
Who would give it?
What would the significance be of this gift?


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Suicide Awareness

Recently in the news, a known actor was treated for a suicide attempt. In the past, we have seen many others who have attempted and/or succeeded. It is important to be aware of signs within yourself as well as in your family or friends. Here are some things to be aware of that may help save your life or someone elses.

Here's a link to suicide hotlines or call 1-800-SUICIDE. Of course, if you or anyone else is in imminent danger, call 911 immediately.

If you would like counseling in the Tucson area for suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety, alcohol/drug use, or other concerns, we are here to help. Please feel free to let us know.

phone: 520-292-9750

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Return to Education...

Well, here we are...for many of us school has started, re-started or is about to once again. Whether we have school-aged children, are getting into college, or not, school season effects us one way or another. Education is advertised in so many circles from TV, magazines, newspapers, radio, etc. We hear about "save up for your child's education", or "start school now and finish is as little as 9 months", or "go back to school...", or "advance your career...", and other such proclamations. But does learning have to be connected to a "formal" education? Can we learn and educate ourselves in other ways? Sure we can!!!

What do you do to educate yourself on various topics? Re-discover learning as a way to expand your mind and exchange your knowledge with others.

Keep your mind alert & never know when and how you will be called upon to use it!


Thursday, August 9, 2007

Journal Thursday

Starting Again...
The theme for today's journal entry. Think of a time when you had to start an activity all over again....whether a project, an assignment, a trip, a class, a relationship, etc. What were you initial thoughts and feelings? How did you "start over"? How did it end up? What did you learn from the event?
